Logo competition- Logo konkurss

Logo competition- Logo konkurss

At Peetri school was held a logo competition. The whole school pupils could participate. The introduction of the project Euroknitters was done and the work could start.
School teachers vote for  three best pictures and these was taken to the first transnational meeting in Italy.

In Italy, Reggio Emilia was a live recorded voting of the final logo.

Every countries schools pupils, teachers, parents were voting. Each coordinator was announcing the results from their school.
The final logo, that got most point were ESTONIAN logo! Congratulations!

This is the winning logo to Euroknitters project. 

The author of this work is a 4th grade student in Estonian School Peetri Lasteaed Põhikool. Well done!

T r a b a l h a r  a n d  c o o p e r a r e  j u n t o s  t o  ü h e n d a m a  Ε ὐ ρ ώ π η .


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